Thursday, July 25, 2013


Let it be known among all nations that although the day is only half-through, I have already deemed it a success.

1. I ate breakfast this morning with my husband.  This only happens about half of the time...or maybe even less.  Every morning once he is showered and dressed, he gently wakes me up to see if I'd like to join him for the most important meal of the day.  Some  Most days I whisper "no" and immediately fall back into dream-land.  But then I get woken up by a hungry baby and have to nurse before I've eaten, the whole time hearing from my stomach who is cursing my earlier laziness.  So today I dined with the hubs before 7am. And I'm not really sure we said more than two sentences the whole time, but time spent together in silence is better than no time at all, right?

2. Silas woke up smiling like he'd won the lottery and about 45 minutes before he was due to eat.  So I hurried and dressed us both, threw him in the stroller, and walked into the sunrise...ok, you know it wasn't that early, but I was so impressed with myself when we walked up the driveway at 7:50am.  And I was a girl on a mission because we walked to my absolute favorite coffee place and I got myself a latte, and the special none the less: Almond Amaretto.  Yes, it was indeed as good as it sounds. (and yes, I did happen to spill it all over my phone and the stroller and a baby blanket as I was trying to one-handedly push the stroller while sipping my latte.  But it was worth it, dang-it!)

3. Baby Boy was hungry by the time we got home, but only politely fussed while I pulled the weeds in front of our house, which probably haven't been pulled at all this whole summer.  And when you own a weed-eater but it doesn't want to stay running for more than 2 minutes, they probably should've been pulled 2 months ago.  So I felt pretty proud of myself for knocking that off of the to-do list.

4. Silas was kind enough to allow me to saunter around Hobby Lobby with little more than one squeak.  I was able to adequately interpret said squeak to mean, "Excuse me mom, but I'd like my pacifier so that I can take a little nap while you wander around and look at things you don't need for the next half hour."  He then graciously gave me permission to run to the mall to do a bit of gift-buying for a certain Bachelorette party this weekend, so I strapped him in the Ergo carrier (boy, do I love that thing) and off we went!

5. I have consumed lunch and have plans to make dinner, and they don't include 5-minute boiled ravioli and spaghetti sauce from a jar (my husband will be pleased!)  Actually, I'm going to make Creamy White Chicken and Artichoke Lasagna.  If you asked Brandon he'd probably want to say, "It's about time because we bought the ingredients over 2 weeks ago," but he wouldn't say that because he's really patient and nice to me.

So, yes. Today is a success.  And maybe I should reward myself with a nap.  I wouldn't want to set the bar too high for tomorrow.


(I'm writing everyday this week thanks to encouragement from Jen. Check out her page to see others who are taking up the challenge!)


  1. You were a success today!! And, if Silas is happy and alive at the end of each day.... then you were a success! Jkjk. Lol
    But, really, the small things add up to big successes in the end.

  2. Would that coffee shop be Java Dreams? : )


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